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  • 非洲之巔·環游世界200天 坦桑尼亞 游記+攻略【中英】Tanzania

非洲之巔·環游世界200天 坦桑尼亞 游記+攻略【中英】Tanzania

↑乞力馬扎羅國家公園 “這是給死人用的”Frank說道。
“This is for dead people.” Frank said.
“this is FOR WHAT!?” I was taken aback.
“People die on this mountain all the time. Some people just like to push themselves. So we use this to carry their bodies and wait for a helicopter to pick it up.”
“Well, fuck.”
“Yeah, in my 30 years I have seen a lot of dead people on this mountain. When I was a ranger, it happened almost every week.” Frank casually explained.
We continued the pleasant walk for another two hours before we reached Millennium Camp. It was the primary descent route camp, so it was quite large as well. However, as I was ready to sign into the ranger station, I heard some commotion on the other side of the camp. I ran there with Frank and the ranger to see what happened.
↑乞力馬扎羅國家公園 看起來Frank沒錯,四個背夫拉著一個載著一位雪盲登山者的高山救護車疾馳而下,他們看到了Frank都停了下來問他該怎麼做,看起來他們對我的嚮導都是十分的敬仰,而在Frank看了看那個40多歲的 奧地利 人之後擺了擺手,他們便繼續前進了,30多年的高山生涯看起來給了Frank很多的威望呢。雪盲是一個很可怕的突發性問題,一般由一下子看到特別多的白光而導致的,不但會造成視力損傷,還有可能完全致盲,而在這麼高的海拔甚至會有生命危險。他要一路下山直到山腳下的路邊才可以搭車前往醫院。
Well, apparently Frank was right. All four porters greeted Frank like he was their father. 30 years on the mountain surely gets you something amongst the people. He examined this older white dude on the mountain ambulance, and apparently he got snow blindness. It is a very dangerous phenomenon that happens to some people when you look at way too much bright white things, and can easily faint you when coupled with altitude. He was given permission to keep going down to Mweka camp and even more until he reach a park maintenance road so that he could be transported to a hospital. Quickly the commotion calmed down, and I settled into my tent.
I found a neighboring group, a few crazy Aussies and a local Tanzanian, along with an OZ businessman Nathan who was in charge of a charity-based tourism agency. They invited me to eat with them, so I had to move my dinner finally to a table they had in their dining tent! It was a great experience actually eating on a table, who would know! We talked for almost forever, and then two girls showed me how they stripped naked (oh yeah, naked. did I mention this blog is not for kids?) on top of the mountain. Man, those Aussies are hella weird.
我最後給Frank和我的幾位背夫付了小費,儘管非常貴,但是為了我這次平安無事的登頂 成功 也是值了。他們都非常的高興,所以大家圍成了一圈開始即興唱歌,他們唱了關於我這次“英雄事跡”的偉大壯舉,從我的理想到我的每一天努力攀爬,而嘹亮的歌聲把正要休息的鳥兒們都嚇得往遠處飛去。我真的很開心,我能夠達到我心中的夢想,有很多人有這點錢可是還是沒有這點勇氣。我愛高山,我的最終夢想是爬上世界七個大洲的最高峰,叫做7 Summits,而我已經把我的第一座山拿下了。
I went and paid the porters and Frank their tips. It was costly, but I believed we were a great team working together, so I tipped them a lot. They all became quite elated, and started a song. It started with my motivation to climb the mountain, and how beautiful this holy volcano is, and my detailed itinerary, my “heroic” summitting experience, and my generosity. The song echoed around the bushes and cliffs, slowly disappeared in the cloud forest far away. It was a great night, and I was so happy that I made my dream come true. I always loved climbing mountains, because that is challenging myself to reach literally new heights, thus I wanted to do 7 summits. This marked my first of the seven summits, and I will do everything I can to achieve my dreams. Without dreams to pursue, what is the difference between living and dying?
↑乞力馬扎羅國家公園 上圖:為了夢想,永不停息
Above: never stop, for the dream

Day 6
I woke up for an early morning, and departed from Millennium Camp after bidding farewell to Nathan and his fellas. The walk was very nice, as grass gave way to bushes, and bushes gave way to trees. I reached Mweka Camp around 9 am, and continued down into the dense forest. As I slowly walked downhill, I got closer and closer to the clouds, and eventually, after so many days, I finally re-immersed myself within them. The cloudiness turned into gloominess, and before too long I was walking in a drizzle. Not your normal chocolate drizzle, real tropical forest drizzle. I descended more than 1000m in two hours after that, and the muddy condition made it incredibly slippery and dangerous. The view was stunning, though, as I was back in the lush green forest along with a lot of wildlife.
↑乞力馬扎羅國家公園 我在山腳的小路上看到了被拋棄的高山救護車,這裡就是他被車子接起來的地方吧,希望他沒有大礙。半個小時的泥濘路程之後我來到了公園的Mweka大門,我終於 成功 的生還登頂 乞力馬扎羅 山了!一般人8天完成的路,我六天不到就走完了,既沒有任何太大的苦難也沒有高反,我只想要洗一把澡然後在一張床上倒下去。。。
I finally reached the maintenance road around 10:30 am. And I saw the “mountain ambulance” abandoned by the side of the road. Hope that guy was alright. Then I walked along the road for another half an hour, and I reached the gate of the Mweka route. I did it! I made to the top of Africa and back! I finished a route that usually takes more than 8 days in 6 days, and with relative ease and no altitude sickness. I also could not wait to be part of civilization again.
↑乞力馬扎羅國家公園 上圖:“恭喜!”/Above: "Congratulations!"

回去的路上,幾個背夫們一個一個領了薪水然後回到了家,終於可以見到家人們然後用這些工資來好好享受一番,而我在一頓午餐之後,很快便發現只有Frank是和我一起同行回到 阿魯沙 的。
On the way back, the porters were dropped off around the town, and I bid farewell to them as well. They now got their paycheck and my tip, and could enjoy some quality time with their families. I was glad that everything went smoothly, and I found myself driving back with just Frank after the local lunch.

下圖:本地午餐/Below: local lunch
我回到 阿魯沙 之後,Frank和我在辦公室裡面握了手,然後把登頂證書頒發給了我。能夠有這麼一個經驗豐富的老司機帶路簡直就是一個榮幸,儘管他登頂了300多次,他說我還是他見過最快的人。我學到了很多新東西。我不但感受到了大自然的可愛,更感受到了它值得敬仰的地方,那些繁星,那些冰雪,那片雲海,都讓我的靈魂得到了升華,得到了凈化。
I made it all the way back to Arusha. Frank and I walked into the agency, and we shook hands as he handed me my summit certificate. It was great to know such a nice guy who was so experienced that almost everyone knows him on the mountain. Despite he had conquered this mountain 300+ times, he said I was the fastest on this route. I learned some important things. I got to learn the love of nature, and now I love it so much, I fear it. I admired its stars, reveled at its snow and ice, humbled by its clouds and bushes, and dreaded its sheer cold. It was probably one of the best weeks I have had in my life, and that made me a better human being.
↑阿魯沙 上圖:我不知道六天不洗澡的我居然會比我平常時候還醜
Above: never knew that I can get even uglier by not showering for 6 days

我再次感謝了Frank,和他道了別。由於我提前兩天完成了登頂任務,我有兩天的空閑時間在 阿魯沙 安排我的未來行程,洗衣服,整理東西等等。我還抽空去了 阿魯沙 很有名的一家路邊燒烤店叫做大汗家,這家店白天是汽修店,晚上是燒烤店,所以那些工作人員的襯衫正面是汽修店的名字,到了晚上他們把襯衫倒過來穿,露出反面的燒烤店名字即可。一頓超級美味的燒烤只要13000先令,大概是40元。
I thanked Frank again, bidding him farewell. Since I finished climbing 2 days too early, I had 2 days free in Arusha. Next day, I woke up to organize my stuffs for the whole day. I had to do laundry, reorganize my bags, and plan future travels. Same thing happened for the next day. Notably, I visited the most reveled local restaurant called Khan’s BBQ. It was very interesting. The store is an auto repair shop in the day, and by night, it turns into this delicious barbecue meat house complete with a side dish buffet, all by the street. The workers wear shirts that have “Khan’s Repair Shop” in the front, and by night, they simply switch to the other side which says “Khan’s BBQ”. The food was absolutely delicious and incredibly cheap as well, costing about 13000 Shillings/6 dollars for a full blown meal.

Below: the two identities of this shop
↑阿魯沙 另一件很討厭的事情是本地的清真寺。我先說一下我對所有的宗教都沒有任何意見,但是這裡的清真寺真的是我無話可說。我的賓館路對面就是 阿魯沙 5家大清真寺之一,而一般穆斯林按照可蘭經指示需要一日多次祈禱,但是我從來沒有見過這種形式的祈禱,在 阿魯沙 ,清真寺使用防空警報用的那種高音喇叭公放祭司的祈禱,而且不是中午時候開始,最早的祈禱每天五點鐘就開始了。五點鐘!每一次祈禱要20分鐘!20分鐘!!!而且是說一句話,停頓一分鐘,然後再高聲說一句話的那種!沃草泥馬!!!最後一次大概是晚上9點開始,所以也不要想早早入睡。我勒個去啊,我簡直就是恨透了這些清真寺了。
Another interesting yet annoying thing is about the local mosques. Please do not hate me on this, but I found them extremely annoying. Just as a disclaimer, I accept all religion, and I believe no religion can be based upon hatred or violence, so please read this part before lynching me on a McDonald’s sign. In Arusha, there are at least 5 mosques spread across the area. The hotel happened to be beside one of them, like right across the street. However, as instructed by Qu’ran, all Muslims have to pray several times a day. Usually they do so in silence, as I have seen and experienced on some flights, in some pl ace s, etc. However, in the case of Arusha, it is kinda the opposite. For some weird reason that I suspect that may be competing mosques or with other religions, they broadcast their praying with motherfucking loudspeakers. Not your normal Africa type of loudspeakers mounted on Toyota Hilux, the extra huge ones mounted on their towers. Ever seen a loudspeaker used to broadcast air sirens? Yeah, that kind. If this happens around noon or so, that would be fine, but the earliest prayer is fucking 5 am! 5.A.M!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!! And it is not just one mosque beside me, all of them! ALL.OF.THEM! And the prayer is not just something short, it lasts well over 20 minutes! 20 M.I.N.U.T.E.S!!! And it is not continuing talking. It is like a short prayer, then 1 minute of silence, and then another short prayer, and repeat! It was almost a torture every day in the morning! The last one is around 9 pm, which can potentially annoy some early sleepers. Before you guys staple me to the fucking wall, I need to clarify that I am all up for prayers and practices of religions, but when it severely disrupts others’ daily life, then I am sorry. I hated these mosques to guts, given that I had 4 mornings contemplating my life and my failures to even get a girlfriend FUCKING 5 AM IN THE MORNING WITH JUST 3 OR 4 HOURS OF SLEEP. Allah fucking damn it.
↑阿魯沙 上圖: 梅魯 山/Above: Mt. Meru

在 阿魯沙 的第二天晚上,我乘了一個小時計程車來到了 乞力馬扎羅 機場,登上了前往 達累斯薩拉姆 的飛機,這個 坦桑尼亞 (前)首都和上一篇的 內羅畢 和其他一些 非洲 首都一樣,並沒有太多的東西可以看。
At night of the second day back in Arusha, I took an arranged taxi to the Kilimanjaro airport, which is about 1 hour away from the city. I cleared the immigration to board a Fastjet flight to Dar Es Salaam. The capital of Tanzania has almost nothing to offer, just like Nairobi, and a lot of other African capitals.

下圖: 乞力馬扎羅 機場的 荷蘭 皇家航空
Below: KLM airline in Kilimanjaro airport
我在 達累斯薩拉姆 獃了3天,但是這個城市實在是沒有什麼可以拜訪的地方所以我也就不詳細訴說了。我去了海崖購物中心裡面吃了一頓 黎巴嫩 午餐,然後去了另外一個比較好的Slipway購物中心看海喝啤酒,最後到了一家叫做 開普敦 漁人碼頭的餐廳吃晚餐,因為這些地方都是面向外國人的,所以都非常的貴。
I was picked up by another pre-arranged ride, and I was in my hostel around midnight. I had 3 days here in this city, but since there is not too much to show, I will skim over this city. I visited the Seacliff Hotel and Resort slash shopping mall slash casino, had a lovely yet costly Lebanese food, then Slipway shopping center (Seriously, that is the only thing you can do here) for a beer by the ocean, finally a restaurant called Cape Town Fish Market, an lovely and expensive pl ace for foreigners.
↑達累斯薩拉姆 達累斯薩拉姆 在阿拉伯語之中是 和平 之屋的意思,所以這裡最先是桑給巴爾漢國的城市,後來被 德國 人和 英國 人統治過,也是 坦桑尼亞 最 大城 市。
Founded as a city of the Khaliphate of Zanzibar, Dar Es Salaam means "House of Pe ace " in Arabic. Later, it was ruled by the German and English, and is now the biggest city in Tanzania.
第三天的晚上,我到機場乘坐Fastjet航班前往 盧薩卡 。
下一站: 贊比亞 !
回想起來, 坦桑尼亞 的這幾天真的讓我感覺到驕傲。儘管非常的寂寞和孤獨,但是我不但有很多時間可以獨自思考人生,又達成了我登上 非洲 之巔的夢想,下一次我應該去去看 桑給巴爾島 ,然後再去看看 坦桑尼亞 南部。
我的飛機於半夜一點緩緩降落在了 盧薩卡 國際機場,儘管外面一片漆黑,我卻雞凍無比,我又要達成我的人生目標之一了,我要去看世界之最: 維多利亞 大瀑布。人家稱這是天堂一瞥,我也想去看看到底天堂是長什麼樣的。
(感謝大家閱讀本篇游記,希望大家喜歡!這是我2016年環游世界的第三部分,你可以在本文開頭找到前往前兩部分的鏈接,如果有童鞋英語好,可以去我個人介紹裡面的全英文博客看看,有所有本次旅行23篇的游記,全部更新完畢。大家有什麼建議,意見,想法和感觸,都可以在評論區給我留言喲!也請大家多多關註我,這樣子的話下一篇 贊比亞 新鮮出爐的時候,你們可以成為沙發!)

At the 3rd night, I again went to the airport, and boarded a Fastjet flight to Lusaka.
Next stop: Zambia!
Looking back, Tanzania was probably holding one of my proudest moments by climbing on top of Africa It was a lonely 10 days, I know, but it was okay since I got so much time to reflect and think. Next time I should take a look of Zanzibar as well since there are simply way too much to explore in this country other than the Northern side.
My plane was almost empty, and I had a whole row. So when the plane slowly landed at Lusaka Airport at 1 am, I was woken up from my sleep. It was pitch black out there, and I knew it will be another one of my dreams coming true: Victoria Falls, the wonder that used to belong to heaven, here I come. (please wait patiently for my next installment, or you can visit my English blog at Beyounged.wordpress.com for complete journeys.)

Below: nothing to do, so play with cats in the hostel
坦桑尼亞 摘要攻略:
2000 坦桑尼亞 先令=1美金
1人民幣=300 坦桑尼亞 先令
進入 坦桑尼亞 :
飛機:總體上來說 歐洲 過去便宜, 非洲 過去貴,其他地方過去一般般。
乞力馬扎羅 國際機場是最適合游客看大草原和爬 乞力馬扎羅 山的,飛這裡的航空公司有:Condor( 法蘭克福 經 蒙巴薩 ), 埃塞俄比亞 航空( 亞的斯亞貝巴 ), 肯尼亞 航空( 內羅畢 ), 荷蘭 皇家航空( 阿姆斯特丹 經 基加利 ), 卡塔爾 航空( 多哈 經桑給巴爾), 土耳其 航空( 伊斯坦布爾 經 蒙巴薩 )
桑給巴爾機場也是度假地首選,除了上面提到的航空公司以外還有很多季節性的 歐洲 航班( 意大利 德國 波蘭 俄羅斯 以色列 等),所以桑給巴爾也是飛機票非常便宜,但是住宿和消費貴。飛這裡的有:Condor, 迪拜 航空, 埃塞俄比亞 航空, 馬拉維 航空(利隆圭), 卡塔爾 航空, 阿曼 航空(慕斯卡特經 達累斯薩拉姆 ), 土耳其 航空。
達累斯薩拉姆 機場是國家首都機場, 非洲 直航多,有 毛里求斯 航空, 津巴布韋 航空( 哈拉雷 ), 埃及 航空( 開羅 ),艾提哈德航空( 阿布扎比 ), 阿聯酋 航空( 迪拜 ),Ewa航空(藻德濟,法屬 馬約特 群島,如果你去過請私信我,我特別想去),Fastjet(廉價航空, 盧薩卡 , 哈拉雷 ),Int Air Isles(莫洛尼, 科摩羅 群島), 南非 航空( 約翰內斯堡 ), 肯尼亞 航空, 莫桑比克 航空( 馬普托 ), 馬拉維 航空, 荷蘭 皇家航空, 阿曼 航空, 卡塔爾 航空, 盧旺達 航空, 土耳其 航空, 瑞士 航空( 蘇黎世 )。
巴士:國內巴士系統很一般,長途巴士基本上都只有 達累斯薩拉姆 有,也有來回 達累斯薩拉姆 和 內羅畢 、 馬拉維 、 贊比亞 的巴士

乞力馬扎羅 (見游記):你一定要嚮導和背夫才可以上去,整座山不是特別特別困難,但是絕不是散步。
Machame (威士忌線,景色美人多,7天,1500美金,難度:中上)
Marangu (可口可樂線,最受歡迎路線,6天,可以住小房子裡面而不用搭帳篷,1200美金,難度:中)
Rongai (6天,人少,1500美金,難度:中)
Umbwe (7天,幾乎沒人,難度:很難)
Shira (7天,1900美金,難度:難)
北環線 (10天,2400美金,景色超美,幾乎沒人,難度:難,個人推薦)
Mweka (只能回程使用)
選擇登山公司:一定要選收到國家批准的正規公司,否則偷工減料很容易出事。游記裡面我的朋友Nathan有做登山和志願者二合一項目,我很推薦(請搜Adventure Out Loud,也代我和他打聲招呼!)。當然也可以到了當地找,會便宜點,也有很多公司會 乞力馬扎羅 和塞倫蓋蒂一起賣。
準備工作:請看一下前往 坦桑尼亞 所需的疫苗,不要太累,代號需要的文件和裝備,買好保險,提前3個月開始練練跑步和鍛煉腿力,最好可以去高山先走走,到了當地之後最後檢查一下你的所有裝備,不需要的所有東西留在賓館裡面。
高原反應:不要逞強,3000米以上75%的人會得高反。一旦有頭痛噁心沒食欲呼吸困難的話和其他人講,別忍著不說。當你感覺要嘔吐的話一定要特別小心了,再不認真對待的話你就要掛了。一旦有任何癥狀,請慢慢爬升高度!治療高反的唯一途徑就是下山,所以真的不行了就和嚮導說在原地等一天或者是下山休息一天再試試。不要浪費不必要浪費的體力(沒事在營地亂跑啊什麼的),也千萬不要喝酒抽煙!!!高反時候喝酒是要嗝屁的!唯一可以服用的藥物是一種預防性的藥物,對治療沒有任何效果。(商品名是丹木斯,醫學名是乙酰唑胺 Acetazolamide)

下圖:八條線路示意圖 (credit to: Ultimate Kilimanjaro)
賽倫蓋蒂國家公園:沒什麼可以說的,30000平方公里 非洲 最最美麗的地方,草原冒險Safari沒有比這裡更好的了,和各種公司協商吧,由 中國 公司做的,但是會比英文的要貴一點。建議從 阿魯沙 或者Moshi出發至少弄4天的,個人推薦6天或者更多,看多喜歡動物了。(以及能夠承受離開網絡多久)

阿魯沙 :一個旅行者們準備行囊準備去大草原或者是 乞力馬扎羅 的地方。唯一一個可以去看的地方是市場(市中心,要討價還價的)。這裡可以找到很多旅游公司幫你安排各種東西,滿足你的一切需求。這也是離 梅魯 山最近的城市,可以去爬,4667米,需要嚮導,2-4天。

達累斯薩拉姆 :沒什麼有趣的,真的。一般人在這裡轉機倒時差停留兩天。乘出 租車 比較貴,但是可以試試看本地人的巴士Daladala,或者是叫 印度 三輪車Bajaj。真的要看什麼東西的話有一個略貴的海灘叫做Kigamboni,在去桑給巴爾船的隔壁坐船,然後叫出 租車 去海灘,然後由於大部分海灘都是私人的你還要出錢才能進去,一般單程所有東西要15000先令。

多多瑪和 蒙巴薩 :去那裡乾啥?真的,你要是去的話和我說,我很好奇那裡有什麼東西。 謝謝大家閱讀!我正在努力搬磚,把我的英文游記翻譯成中文,我的中文和英文都不是最好,所以有什麼紕漏也請原諒並指出!如果希望看到我更多的東西的話,也請多多關註!

下一篇 贊比亞 /Next in Zambia:
我去到世界聞名的 維多利亞 大瀑布/I visited the world famous Victoria Falls
我和一隻猴子自拍/I took a selfie with a monkey
我和三個 愛爾蘭 妹子莫名其妙被卷入了當地政壇/3 Irish girls and I got involved in local politics

請戳這裡: http://www.mafengwo.cn/i/7587191.html?h=37873910